Reconnecting West Oakland and Downtown for people walking, biking, and taking the bus
The 7th Street West Oakland Transit Village Streetscape, Phase II project will make street and sidewalk improvements on 7th Street between Wood Street and Peralta Street. This project will enhance the roadway with new sidewalks, trees, street lights, refreshed pavement, and added bicycle lanes.
Improving safety, accessibility, and connectivity from the heart of Chinatown to Lake Merritt BART and Old Oakland
Traffic Calming & Paving Project on 8th St in West Oakland from Pine St to Market St
The City of Oakland repaved 0.8 miles of 90th Avenue between International Boulevard and MacArthur Boulevard in 2019 and will be completing the painted median by October 2020
Planned Unit Development at 98th and San Leandro including 399 residential units and 14,156 sf of commercial area (Case File #PLN18523).
Installation of a concrete median on 98th Ave @ Cherry St on top of the existing, purple-paint island
Assembly Bill (AB) 645 would give the City of Oakland authority to use up to 18 speed safety systems to enforce speed limits on high crash streets for a 5-year pilot period.
Funded by Measures HH & KK
Antioch Court Renovation for a Safer and Vibrant Community Space
This web page is an archive of the Reconnecting the Town: Enhancing Oakland’s Civic Hub through Safer, More Reliable, and Equitable Transportation project. This project was awarded funding from the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Discretionary Federal Grant program.
The Bancroft Avenue Project installs bike and pedestrian safety improvements on Bancroft Avenue, a high injury corridor, between Havenscourt Boulevard and 98th Avenue.
The City of Oakland owns a 5.4-acre parcel of vacant land on portions of Barcelona Street and St. Andrews Road, commonly known as the "Barcelona" parcel.
The Bicycle & Pedestrian Program plans and constructs on-street bikeways, including striping and signage, and coordinates the installation of bikeways with other City divisions and outside agencies.
Bus lanes on Broadway will help reduce travel time for bus riders and make bus service more reliable.
This Bikeway runs from 14th St in downtown to Broadway near the Caldecott Tunnel
Enhancing connectivity between Chinatown, Old Oakland, Jack London District, and the waterfront.
The Brooklyn Basin project site is approximately 64 acres of waterfront property with 3,100 residential units, 200,000 square feet of ground-floor commercial space, and approximately 32 acres of parks and public open space.
The City of Oakland is pursuing cost-effective, equitable pathways to eliminate natural gas use in buildings. See below for details of outreach, engagement, and data on the health and climate impacts of natural gas, electric alternatives to gas systems, and cost-effectiveness analysis.
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