Lost a Pet?

OAS is committed to helping get lost animals back to their families whenever possible.

Search Oakland Animal Services for your lost pet

Search our online listing of stray animals. These listing are of all the lost or stray animals that have been brought into the shelter. You may file a Lost Animals Report of your lost pet(s) by clicking the appropriate link below. You will be given the option to upload a photo of your pet(s), please select a well-lit photo that includes the pet’s face and body. Email the completed form to oas@oaklandca.gov

Date Posted: July 15th, 2022 @ 4:16 PM

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Rabbit and other animals

Animals don’t know city limits and it is possible they may have been taken to a shelter outside of Oakland. Check with other shelters in the area and visit our Resources page for additional hints and tips to increase the chance of getting your pet back home.

How to redeem your pet impounded at OAS

If you think your pet is at our shelter, visit our Redeem your Pet page.