Campaign Finance Rules and Disclosure

Learn about Oakland laws regulating candidates and campaign committee and view campaign statements and data

Candidates for City elected offices, including OUSD Board members, campaign committees and local ballot measure committees, as well as other persons and entities making independent expenditures on candidates or ballot measures in Oakland are subject to campaign rules under the California Political Reform Act and Oakland Campaign Reform Act. The Public Ethics Commission enforces campaign rules and serves as filing officer for campaign finance reporting.

Campaign Finance Disclosure

Oakland campaign committees file campaign finance statements and reports with the Public Ethics Commission’s online filing system, NetFile, which is available on the Public Portal for Campaign Finance Disclosure. The raw data is also synced daily to the City of Oakland’s OakData portal.

The Law

The Oakland Campaign Reform Act (OCRA) and other local campaign ordinances contain restrictions and requirements such as contribution limits, optional spending limits, prohibitions on contributions from contractors, and electronic filing of campaign data.


The Commission provides educational materials, training, and advice to candidates and campaign committees.

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