Why spend hundreds of dollars a year to cash your checks when you can deposit your money and pay your bills at no additional cost -- with a free or low-cost bank account? Even if you've had problems with an account in the past, have never had an account before, or don't have a social security number, you can open a bank account in Oakland.

Bank On Oakland is an initiative of the City of Oakland, the Office of the Oakland Mayor, and Alameda County - Oakland Community Action Partnership to ensure every resident has access to mainstream financial services. Through Bank On Oakland, those who are unbanked or need a second-chance account have access to low or no cost banking products and free financial education. This will help families in Oakland reduce their use of payday loan systems, increase financial education and provide entry on the road to financial self-sufficiency.

Why should I get an account?

By opening a bank account, you can take an important step toward financial security. With a free or low-cost account, you can start to save for the future and establish a credit history that will help you enter the financial mainstream and achieve your dreams. Learn More >

How do I open an account?

Use our Banking Matrix or call Eden I&R at 2-1-1 to find a participating bank or credit union with account options that meet your needs. The bank or credit union staff will answer all of your questions and walk you through each step of the process. Learn More >

Managing Your Finances

Discover free classes and services that will help you achieve financial freedom. Find information about establishing financial goals, managing a budget, getting out of debt, and many other topics. Learn More >

Financial Partners

Partner With Us

Bank On Oakland invites local community organizations and financial organizations to partner with us. With your help, all Oaklanders can gain access to free- or low-cost bank accounts and take steps toward financial freedom.

The success of this initiative and the ability to reach our target communities will not happen without help from you and the hard-working Community-Based and Nonprofits who have invested countless hours into this initiative. By acting as trusted liaisons, reaching out to neighbors and clients to explain the benefits of using mainstream financial institutions, you will be part of helping thousands of Oakland residents get on the road to economic mobility. We encourage all to use this directory as a reference to help clients, neighbors and friends find the banking relationship that best meets their needs.

Bank On Oakland initiative is managed by the Alameda County – Oakland Community Action Partnership (AC-OCAP) in conjunction with the Mayor of Oakland. For general information, please call 510-238-2362 or email

Housing and Economic Rights Advocates (HERA), in partnership with AC-OCAP, serves as the coordinating entity for the Bank on Oakland initiative. For specific information or questions about this initiative, please contact 510-271-8443 ext. 300

CSD Logo

The Bank On Oakland Initiative is made possible with funding from the California State Department of Community Services and Development.