June 15, 2023
Dear Property Owner,
You may have received a Subscription notice (s) dated for the following: July 19, 2022, October 17, 2022, January 20, 2023, and May 10, 2023, because Waste Management Inc. has identified that your account was delinquent or not paid to Waste Management Inc. by the due date. The notice (s) stated that this item would be heard by City Council on December 6, 2022 or June 6, 2023, however, due to mitigating circumstances, this item had been removed from these meetings and rescheduled for the upcoming City Council Meeting on July 18, 2023 at 4:00 pm. This meeting will be both in person and via Zoom.
If payment has already been submitted for the MGS Subscription invoice, please disregard this notice.
This hearing will provide affected property owners another opportunity to provide proof of payment made to Waste Management Inc. before the due date. A parallel administrative hearing will be conducted on July 18, 2023, both in person and via Zoom. Please see the below Zoom information to participate or you can come to City Hall at 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 3961 8815
Passcode: 189635 One tap mobile
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+16694449171,,87039618815#,,,,*189635# US
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To receive a copy of the original invoice, please submit your inquiry by email to or call (510) 238-7474 Mon-Fri from 8am to 4pm.