Preconditions for Public Financing
To participate in public financing, a candidate must do all of the following:
1. Be certified by the City Clerk to appear on the ballot for the election;
2. File OCRA Form No. 301 with the Public Ethics Commission agreeing to accept voluntary expenditure limitations;
3. Demonstrate that s/he has received contributions from Oakland residents/businesses totaling at least 5% of the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the office being sought, not including any personal loans or contributions;
4. Demonstrates that s/he has made campaign expenditures totaling at least 5% of the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the office being sought;
5. Be opposed by another candidate for the same office;
6. Declare that s/he has not made any contributions or loans from personal funds in an amount exceeding 10% of the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the office being sought;
7. File on time, and completely and accurately execute, all pre-election and post-election campaign statements;
8. Receive a one-hour training provided by the Public Ethics Commission; and
9. Agree to submit to reasonable audits or reviews by the Public Ethics Commission or other civil authority.
Applying for Public Financing
There are two steps to applying for public financing:
1. Opt In - Complete LPF Form 1 (Acceptance/Rejection of Public Financing) to accept or reject public financing no later than 14 days after the City Clerk has certified the names of all candidates to appear on the ballot. The failure to file LPF Form 1 will result in an unchangeable rejection of public financing.
2. Apply for Program Participation - Complete LPF Form 2 (Application) to formally apply for public financing. LPF Form 2 requires the following:
- Campaign Information
- Tax ID/EIN Number
- Proof of Contributions Received
- Proof of Expenditures Made