Services→Apply for Vehicular Residential Facilities: Occupied Recreational Vehicles (RVs) and Tiny Homes on Wheels
Apply for Vehicular Residential Facilities: Occupied Recreational Vehicles (RVs) and Tiny Homes on Wheels
On November 16, 2021, the Oakland City Council adopted the "Construction Innovation and Expanded Housing Options Ordinance" to promote cost-effective construction methods and housing types. Among other things, the Ordinance updated the City’s zoning regulations to authorize residential occupancy of recreational vehicles (RVs) and tiny homes on wheels by creating a new residential facility type in the Oakland Planning Code called “Vehicular Residential Facilities."
What Are "Vehicular Residential Facilities"?
Vehicular Residential Facilities (VRFs) are residential dwelling units constructed on a vehicle chassis and are defined in Oakland Planning Code Section 17.10.700 as RVs under State law (Health and Safety Code Section 18010). VRFs include motorhomes, trailers, and tiny homes on wheels. They contain less than 320 square feet of internal living area and 400 square feet or less of gross horizontal area.
VRFs require Zoning approval before they are placed on a site. For projects with 1-4 VRFs, a Design Review Exemption (DRX) is required. Projects with 5 or more VRFs will require regular Design Review (DR).
Building Permits are required to prepare the site (e.g., Grading Permit) and install utilities (e.g., Plumbing Permit, Electrical Permit).
If no Building-related permits are required for the project, only Zoning approval is required, in which case either the property owner or authorized representative can apply. However, ONLY the following persons may apply for a Building Permit:
Contractors who are licensed by the State of California with a classification appropriate for the work that will be performed and have a current Business Tax Certificate.
Owners of a building or their legal representative.
How to Apply
Step One: Planning/Zoning Review
Complete all required information, checklist, documents, and plans as outlined in the "Zoning Approval Submittal Requirements" section on page 3 of the Vehicular Residential Facility (VRF) Application
Submit a Zoning Worksheet through our Online Permit Center* * NOTE: You will be taken to our login page first before you can submit a Zoning Worksheet
In the Worksheet, upload your completed VRF Application and all required plans and documents
A planner will review your submission
Once approved, you will receive a decision letter from the Bureau of Planning
Step Two: Building Permits
Electrical and Plumbing Permits: Once you receive Zoning approval, you may apply for building permits through our Online Permit Center (must be a fully registered and activated user):
Grading and Building Permits (for Retaining Walls): If required for your project, you may also apply for a Grading Permit and Building Permit (for retaining walls) through our Online Permit Center. Please refer to the requirements for Grading Permits in the Oakland Municipal Code – Grading, Excavation, and Fills.
Curbs, Gutters, Sidewalks & Driveways: If your project involves installation, widening, elimination, or repair to a curb, gutter or sidewalk (CGS), you will need to obtain approval from the Department of Transportation (DOT).
A CGS Permit is issued by DOT
After Zoning approval, a CGS application may be submitted to DOT
Submit the plans that have been reviewed/approved by Zoning to with a copy of your approval email from Planning & Building
Step Three: Application Review
Once we receive your application, staff will review your documents for completeness. If further information is needed, a planner will contact you at the email address provided. For the latest processing estimates, please see our Average Permit Processing Turnaround Times webpage.