Apply for Curbs, Gutters, Sidewalks (CGS) & Driveways

If you're installing, expanding, eliminating or repairing a driveway, or cutting into a curb, gutter, or sidewalk, Zoning approval is required. After zoning approval, applications may be submitted to the Department of Transportation (DOT).

Before you Start

Please review Permit Requirements below as they vary from project to project.

Ready to get started? First, make sure you are registered and activated at our Online Permit Center. For instructions, please visit our Planning & Building Video Tutorials webpage.

What to Do

Permit Requirements

How to Apply

  1. Step One: Zoning Review

    Be prepared to provide the following:

    • Site plan that meets the following requirements:
      • Driveways serving adjacent lots under different ownership must be separated edge-to-edge by at least ten (10) feet; where curbs exist, the separation shall be by at least ten (10) feet of the full vertical curb.
      • Driveways serving Residential Facilities with one (1) or two (2) dwelling units on one lot shall be not more than nineteen (19) feet in width for the front twenty (20) feet of the lot, with a curb cut no more than nineteen (19) feet in width, and shall be limited to one driveway and one driveway curb cut per lot frontage.
      • On lots with only Residential Facilities, paved surfaces within required street-fronting yards shall be limited to fifty percent (50%) on interior lots and thirty percent (30%) on corner lots.
      • Parking space location is subject to neighborhood context (OMC 17.116.300).
      • A regular parking space shall be not less than eighteen (18) feet
        long and eight and one-half feet (8½) wide.
  2. Step Two: Application Review

    Once we receive your application we will review your site plan. If your plan requires corrections or if we need further information, we will contact you. If your plan is approved, you will receive an email acknowledgment from Planning staff. For the latest processing estimates, please see our Average Permit Processing Turnaround Times webpage.

  3. Step Three: Dept. of Transportation (OakDOT) Review
    • Submit your approved plans with a copy of your approval email to:
    • To schedule an inspection, contact DOT Inspections by phone or by email at:

    Click the button below to learn more about how to apply for a CGS Permit through OakDOT

    Apply for CGS Permit

Need to Know


Call (510) 238-3911 or find quick answers through our Permit & Services Questions Portal. You may also schedule an appointment with Permit Counter staff during open hours.


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