42nd Avenue & High Street I-880 Access Improvements

This project will improve access for traffic to and from the I-880 freeway ramps, the City of Oakland, and the City of Alameda.

In Process
Start date:
Jan 1, 1998
Completion date:
Dec 31, 2026


Last Updated: February 3, 2022

Project Overview

Improvements include the construction of an extension of 42nd Ave from the off-ramp to Alameda Ave, and an extension from High Street to Alameda Avenue. The project will implement elements including traffic signals, roadway widening for vehicles, bicycles, sidewalks, ADA compliant ramps, traffic signals and signal interconnect cables, roadway markings, and signage.

The project will complement the recently completed Caltrans retrofit project at I-880 / High Street corridors. It will improve traffic circulation and drastically reduce traffic congestion along High Street, Freeway off/on-ramps, and Alameda Avenue

Currently, 42nd Avenue is a T-intersection at the I-880 South, High Street off-ramp. High Street and Alameda Avenue are overly congested due to the major traffic to and from the freeway, accessing Oakland and Alameda. The proposed extension of 42nd Avenue will provide congestion relief for the freeway, High Street, and Alameda Avenue.

Planned Construction

Includes construction of I-880/ 42nd High Street Access improvements including roadway extensions, traffic signals, roadway widening for vehicles, bicycles, sidewalks, ADA compliant ramps, traffic signals, signal interconnect cables, roadway markings, and signage.


Award Construction Contract
Spring - Winter 2024
Start Construction
Spring 2024
Complete Construction
Winter 2026

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