First 30 Days Checklist for Elected Officials
Ethics orientation checklist for elected officials
Ethics orientation checklist for elected officials
This guide provides summaries of all the provisions within the Government Ethics Act. Published 2019
This guide is provided by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) as a general overview of a public official’s obligations under the conflict of interest rules provided for in the Political Reform Act. It is intended to help the user spot situations and issues that may give rise to a conflict.
This fact sheet summarizes the major provisions of the Political Reform Act concerning gifts, honoraria, travel, and loans.
This fact sheet summarizes the local gift restrictions in Oakland according to the Government Ethics Act.
This fact sheet summarizes the rules related to misuse of City resources within the Government Ethics Act.
Ensuring Ethical and Transparent Issuing of City Tickets. Published 2017.
The purpose of this Administrative Instruction is to assure compliance with City Charter Section 218 by advising employees under the City Administrator's authority of the procedure to respond to calls, inquiries, and/or other oral or written communications from individual Councilmembers and/or members of their staff.
Fact sheet provides information for creating an officeholder committee and what type of expenditures can be made from it.
The City Attorney and the Public Ethics Commission provide answers to frequently asked questions (“FAQs”) in the areas of use of City resources for political activity, political activity by City elected officials, candidates, employees, and boards/commissions, and contributions to and solicitations from candidates.
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