Oakland Police Discipline Disparity Study

The Oakland Police Department has taken actions to measure the presence of internal disparities. The Department is unique in conducting this study. We are committed to working toward equitable outcomes and ensuring policies and practices safeguard against bias and disparate treatment internally and within our community based on race and gender. This is paramount to maintaining trust within all of our employee groups, and credibility within the communities we serve.


Oakland Police Department Disparity Reduction Measures and Diversity Enhancement (PDF)

The Oakland Police Department has implemented many measures over the last several years to improve internal investigations of misconduct and the discipline process, and to enhance recruiting, hiring and training. Some of the measures resulted from recommendations made in the Swanson reports issued between 2015 and 2017 and others have been implemented more recently. Concerns about internal disparities raised by stakeholders and Hillard Heintze, during the course of their study, raised the seriousness of the issue. In response, the Department has more recently made changes to Internal Affairs Division staffing, advanced recruiting and hiring efforts to improve equity in the processes, and is re-engineering the Academy and Field Training programs to align with more progressive practices.

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