Oakland Police & Fire Retirement System Board (PFRS)

The Oakland Police and Fire Retirement System is dedicated to protection and prudent investing of the pension funds for the benefit of the PFRS retirees and beneficiaries. PFRS strives to give the beneficiaries of this retirement system friendly and courteous service.


The Oakland Police and Fire Retirement System (PFRS) is a closed, single-employer defined benefit pension plan that provides service and disability retirements, and survivor benefits for eligible sworn safety employees of the City. PFRS covers the City’s uniformed employees who have not transferred to the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS). As a result of a City Charter amendment, known as Measure R approved by the electorate on June 8, 1976, membership in the plan is limited to uniformed employees hired prior to July 1, 1976. All subsequent hires are covered under CalPERS.

PFRS is exempt from the regulations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). PFRS is also exempt from federal income taxes and California franchise tax.

PFRS was established by Article XXVI of the Oakland City Charter on July 1, 1951. Article XXVI combined the Police Relief and Pension Fund (article XIV) and Firemen’s Relief and Pension Fund (article XV).

As of June 30, 2020, PFRS membership consisted of 460 Police and 308 Fire retirees.

Contact Us



Map image for Oakland Police & Fire Retirement System Board (PFRS), located at 150 Frank H Ogawa Plaza in Oakland, CA 94612
150 Frank H Ogawa Plaza
Suite 3349
Oakland, CA 94612



Phone Numbers

Email Address

Business Hours

The Committees & Board meet on the last Wednesday of each month.