New Truck Parking Regulations Implemented
OakDOT's Parking Enforcement Unit Implements 2022 Parking Regulation Updates
The West Oakland Truck Management Plan (TMP) is an action-based plan designed to reduce the effects of transport trucks on local streets in West Oakland. The TMP was approved by the City and the Port in April 2019. When the TMP is implemented, the West Oakland community should experience fewer trucks driving or parking where they should not be, improved safety for people walking, biking, and driving in West Oakland, and an overall improvement in the quality of life for people living and working in West Oakland.
OakDOT's Parking Enforcement Unit Implements 2022 Parking Regulation Updates
Traffic posts were installed in the median on Frontage Road in response to two fatal crashes.
On April 19, 2022, Oakland City Council adopted updates to the truck parking regulations in West Oakland.
Approved by the City and the Port in April 2019, the West Oakland Truck Management Plan (TMP) is an action-based plan designed to reduce the effects of transport trucks on local streets in West Oakland. The TMP is the result of a joint planning effort undertaken by the Port of Oakland and City of Oakland from October 2017 to January 2019 with substantial input from the West Oakland residential and business communities.
The goals of the TMP are:
• Reduce disruptions from truck circulation and truck parking on residents and businesses in West Oakland.
• Increase safety along designated truck routes.
• Have truck drivers know preferred routes to reach their destinations and know the City’s parking restrictions.
• Monitor TMP implementation and modify implementation Strategies to improve outcomes as needed.
Implementation of the TMP is anticipated to take five years; refer to Chapter III of the TMP for more information about implementation.
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Alicia Parker
City of Oakland
Radiah Victor
Port of Oakland