Other amenities include:
- Dance studio
- Indoor/outdoor performance stage
- Large multi-purpose room
- Commercial kitchen
- Outdoor play area
- Walking track
Renting Charles Porter Golden Gate Recreation Center
You can find the application materials below or pick them up from the front desk.
You can reserve Charles Porter Golden Gate Recreation Center 30 days to 11 months in advance of the requested reservation date. A typical reservation consists of the following:
- Filling out and submitting a Space Use Reservation form.
- Payment of applicable Use-Fee (A deposit of at least 50% of Use Fee may be paid at time application is submitted. The full payment must be completed no later than 2 weeks before the Event. Any cancellation request(s) will be subject to applicable City regulations)
- Payment of applicable Refundable Damage Deposit. Refunds take between 6-8 weeks especially if deposits are made by Cash or Checks. Deposits made by Credit Cards may be refunded faster within 1-2 weeks.
If a request is approved for an event within two weeks to 30 days, you must pay a service fee, currently $75. NO reservation requests are accepted less than two weeks in advance.