Apply for Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO)

A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) enables occupancy or partial occupancy of a building before the building project is completed. A TCO Request and Utility Disconnect Request are required for TCO approval.

Fee Increase

Effective 1/18/22: TCO Fees have increased. Please use current form and dispose of any old forms accordingly.

Before you Start

Only projects that are new (from ground up), new units, or where a change in occupancy is taking place are issued a TCO. Additions, remodels, alterations, and tenant improvements are not issued a TCO.

What to Do

TCO Requirements

How to Apply

  1. Step One: Complete Form

    Fill out the complete TCO Request and Utility Disconnect Request sections of the TCO Application webform and submit online.

    Click button below to be taken to an external TCO application webform.

    Open Form
  2. Step Two: Application Review
    • Permit Inspection Senior Staff will review your request and communicate with your primary Building Inspector
    • If your application can be processed, we will forward it to PBD cashier
    • If your application cannot be processed, we will contact you
  3. Step Three: Pay Fees
    • A PBD cashier will contact you for payment. Please note, Impact Fees may be applicable
    • Call the City of Oakland, 2nd Floor Cashier's Station to make payment* by Visa or Mastercard
      *Note: Payment of fees is not a TCO approval
  4. Step Four: Obtain Signatures from Applicable Parties
    • Attach the receipt issued by the Cashier to your TCO application
    • Obtain signatures from all applicable parties (DOT, PWA, FIRE, all trade inspectors, and if applicable Alameda County Department of Environmental Health (ACDEH), CA Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC), Port of Oakland, and other non- City of Oakland agencies)
  5. Step Five: Obtain Signature from Primary Building Inspector
    • Contact your primary Building Inspector to sign* your TCO request document
      *Note: All permit inspectors can sign electronically

    NOTE: TCO takes effect with Building Inspector's signature, not when fees are paid.

    Not sure how to contact your Primary Building Inspector? Click the button below to be taken to our Building Inspector Staff Directory.

    Open Staff Directory

Need to Know


A TCO is typically valid for up to 60 days. At the end of the TCO term an inspection will be required before a new TCO can be applied for. If the project has not received final approval and a new TCO has not been issued at the end of the TCO term, the utilities to the building may be disconnected. Each TCO application requires separate fees.


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