Oakland Youth Commission

The Oakland Youth Commission (OYC) empowers youth to enter the public arena and tackle important issues related to youth. Formed in 1985, OYC develops young leaders in Oakland to engage with city affairs and advise City Council and the Mayor on youth priorities. We currently have 17 youth commissioners between the ages of 13-21 representing all 7 districts in Oakland.

Related Meetings

Apply now to Join the OYC Staff!

We are Hiring!

Apply by July 28:

Email your resume and a cover letter explaining why you may be a good fit for the youth commission to Sara Tiras at Stiras@oaklandca.gov. We will contact you for an interview in early August. Please note these positions require you to be currently enrolled as a student in college (Undergraduate or Graduate School).

Click Here to Learn More

Current Openings

Click here to read the full Job Descriptions

Interested in Learning More?

Provide your information with us and we will get in touch with you shortly.

2022-2023 Commissioners

After a successful recruitment process, we are thrilled to introduce our new commission. We have 13 new and 4 returning members from across the city. We are proud to have increased our public school representation on the commission, as well as diversified our racial, gender, and LGBTQ+ representation.

Executive Committee Members from 2022-2023 Cohort

Three hands raising three flags with words Oakland Youth Commission in each flag respectively. First flag has Oakland tree logo, second flag has fist of power, and third flag has Oakland skyline.
  • Hayden Thompson, At-Large, Co-Chair
  • Bria Woodland, At-Large, Co-Chair
  • Romero Wesson, At-Large, Operations Officer
  • Airieanna Murrell, D2, Social Media Officer
  • Cassandra Young, At-Large, Social Media Officer
  • Brian Ibarra Morales, D7, Graphic Design Officer
  • Nathan Li, At-Large, Graphic Design Officer
  • Mia Hatfield, D1, Organizing Officer
  • Emily Chachagua, D6, Ethics Officer
  • Quincy Russell, D3, Secretary
Executive Committee Bios

Meet the OYC Staff


Click on these resources to learn more!

OYC History

Learn more about our past campaigns through the following pages!


Check out our youth who have been in the press.

Watch our video to learn about the Oakland Youth Commission!


Youth know what's best for us, and with the support of adult allies, we can influence positive lasting change in our community. We are committed to listening and providing opportunities to engage in local government.

Contact Us



Youth are invited to attend all Commission meetings.

Phone Numbers

Email Address

Business Hours

We meet as a full Commission from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Mondays each month.

Social Media